Tree of hope

Friday, August 01, 2008

How to keep your girl happy

Came upon this on someone's blog. Been reading technical SOPs these few weeks.

SOP on how to treat your gal happy:

  1. Always be a gentleman. Hold doors open for her, and just be polite and helpful.
  2. Know her favorite song and listen to her type of music, then share what you think about it.
  3. Learn to love what she does.
  4. Tell her that she's on your mind from the time you awaken 'til bedtime.
  5. Tell her you love her, but not too often. It loses its lustre if you overuse it.
  6. Whenever you tell her that you love her, MAKE SURE YOU MEAN IT.
  7. Make her happy by buying her gifts, but know what she likes beforehand.
  8. Always ask her if she's cold, but have a jacket or a coat handy so you can give it to her.
  9. Go out somewhere and have some fun. Some good places to go are movies, restaurants, and other relaxing locations.
  10. Never ignore her and just walk off with your friends. It's rude to do that. If she does it to you, wait a minute for her to return to you, and if she doesn't, go talk to your friends.
  11. At the movies or when you're walking, hold her hand. Girls love that.
  12. Become friends with her friends. It gives you more things in common with your girl. Eventually, her friends will love you, and that's a definite turn-on for your girlfriend.
  13. Walk her to classes if you go to the same school. When you walk her, carry her books, even if she isn't struggling.
  14. Don't be too shy. There are times and places that are appropriate to be shy, like kissing in public. Don't be too shy to put your arm around her or hold her hand, because you shouldn't be ashamed to have some public displays of affection.
  15. Kiss something other than her lips. Her hand, her forehead, her cheek.. anything like that will definitely put a smile on her face.
  16. If you know she has a good sense of humour, learn a new joke every day and tell it to her. If she appreciates a good-sensed joke, don't be afraid to share. Just make sure it is not offending to her.
  17. Be confident. Be proud of who you are, and being her boyfriend. Giving nice comments always makes a girls day, just not too many.
  18. Always respect her and always help her with whatever.
  19. Don't go too fast in to the relationship. Take it nice and slow. But not too slow.
  20. Ask her what would she likes to do sometimes.
  21. Love her to death and never cheat.
  22. Don't give her too much gifts or she will think you are trying to buy her love.


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